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Pour Over Gear Guide

The pour over coffee method, as simple as it may seem, revolutionized the way people drank coffee. Until the paper coffee filter was invented, people would have to clean coffee grounds from their cups or pots depending on how they brew their coffee. The first paper coffee filter patent on register belonged to Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz or more commonly known by their brand Melitta. It was said she grew tired of cleaning coffee grounds out of cups and pots and wanted an easier way to brew coffee. She used blotting paper from her son's school notebook, stuck it into an old tin pot that she punched some holes into, then added ground coffee and poured hot water over it. Her paper coffee filter design was patented in the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin in June 1908.

Standard Ratio: 1:15 - 1:17

Grind Setting: Medium Fine - Coffee grounds should be generally the size of ground salt

What to look for

Pour over cones come in filter and filterless models. Filterless models usually have a metal mesh filter integrated into the cone. While more environmentally friendly since youre not introducing any paper waste, it can be a challenge to clean. Additionally the metal mesh filters may maintain residue from previous brews which can add an unexpected flavor to your coffee. Paper filter cones are quick, convenient and most filters are biodegradable. Some things to look for in a pour over cone are the inner ridges inside the cone itself, you dont want ridges that are too small. Good pour over cones allows the steeped coffee to drain around the filter in the ridge channels and if they are too small, the filter will block the flow of coffee in those channels and you will end up with a very slow brew and possibly over extracted coffee.

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